Saturday, December 20, 2008


Life is interesting. It is interesting to see events come to pass in life and think that something is one way but it's really another, good or bad. When I moved to St. George I was running away. I thought my life was over (yes, I'm over dramatic), and I thought it was unfair that I had to change my life because of circumstances that were out of my control. It was a hard transition, but it turned out to be the biggest blessing in my life so far. I've really learned a lot about myself over the last year, and I've grown up A LOT. I've gained experiences that would have taken me a lot longer to experience if I had stayed in Orem. It's as if I had my eyes opened down here. I tried to run away from my problems but I realized how to deal with them instead. I don't know why, but I'm surely not going to complain about it.

I've still got leaps and bounds to go before I can say that I'm even close to the person that I want to be, but I'm getting there. I'm moving forward and growing, I'm happy, I'm more confident, I'm stepping outside my comfort zone, and challenging myself. If something scares me I decide to do it anyway to prove to myself that I will not let fear rule my life. I have lived that way and I don't like it. I don't like missing opportunities because I'm afraid to try something, or being treated badly because I'm afraid to stand up for myself. I don't like having to hide who I really am because I'm afraid of not being accepted or understood. I'm not afraid to fail, lose, be wrong, or make a fool out of myself... Well, I am, but I'm not going to let it stop me from shooting for the stars. I still sometimes let my fears get the better of me, but I'm working really hard to not do that, but instead use my fears as a motivation. One of the teachers at my high school always said, "It's better to shoot for the stars and miss than aim for a cowpie and hit." I concur!

1 comment:

Janet said...

It was good to see you at my concert tonight. Thanks for coming! {Sorry you couldn't stay the whole time.}

I'm glad you've had such a good experience here. Yay for growing up. :O)